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Pollen morphology studies on some Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) species from Turkey

Okan Sezer and Ali Can Yildiz


In this study, palynological features of Gagea granatellii, G. villosa var. villosa, G. juliae, G. bohemica, G. peduncularis, G. taurica, G. foliosa, G. villosa var. hermonis, G. bithynica and G. dubia were investigated. Similarities and dissimilarities of the pollen grains of these taxa were compared. Scanning electron microscope and light microscope microphotograps of these 10 taxa were investigated for the first time. Pollen grains of all studied taxa were identified as prolate/subprolate and sulcate (monocolpate). Some differences in the exine ornamentation of these taxa were identified. G. granatellii, G. villosa var. villosa and G. juliae had reticulate type (Type I); in G. bohemica and G. peduncularis microreticulate-perforate (Type II); and in G. taurica, G. foliosa, G. villosa var. hermonis, G. bithynica and G. dubia microreticulte exine ornamentation were identified.

To Cite this article: Sezer, O. and A.C. Yildiz. 2021. Pollen morphology studies on some Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) species from Turkey. Pak. J. Bot., 53(3): DOI:

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