Taxonomic importance of seedling morphological data
Nabeela Mahmood, Sahar Zaidi, Mohammad Imran and Muniza Riaz
In the present work, morphological features of 16 plant species of 14 genera belonging to 6 families collected from different localities of Murad Memon Goth (Gadap town) Karachi, Pakistan were recorded. The study included the initial stages of seedlings just after their germination up to 3-4 leaves stage. Dichotomous key was constructed for the recognition of these taxa. All the taxa showed great diversity in their seedling morphological characters. These attributes may provide considerable data for the identification and classification of these taxa at the seedling stage.
To Cite this article:
Mahmood, N., S. Zaidi, M.I. and M. Riaz. 2021. Taxonomic importance of seedling morphological data. Pak. J. Bot., 53(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-4(29)