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Calcium effects on post-harvest attributes and vase life of gladiolus using different methods of application

Masood Ahmad and Abdur Rab


Gladiolus can play a key role in generating substantial amount of revenue in cut flower trade, however, the rapid loss of quality is a serious threat to its wider adaptation as a commercial crop. Hence both pre and post-harvest management is pre-requisite to extend the vase life of gladiolus. For this purpose, the present study was conducted to determine the influence of calcium concentrations i.e., Distilled water & tap water (Double control), 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM and application methods (holding solution in vase and foliar spray) on post-harvest attributes and vase life of gladiolus spikes in post-harvest Laboratory during the years 2016-2017. The findings of the study revealed that calcium concentrations and application methods had significant effects on all studied traits of gladiolus. Calcium at 200 mM and vase holding solution resulted in extended 1st floret and full spike fading. Likewise, the higher fresh floret weight  and senesced floret weight , retention of highest reducing  and non-reducing sugars, least electrolyte leakage  and extended vase life of gladiolus spikes  was also observed at 200 mM calcium concentration and in vase holding solution. The least loss of protein and highest total phenols was also recorded in florets of gladiolus spikes kept in holding solution of 200 mM calcium. It is concluded that application of 200 mM calcium through holding solution was most effective in retaining the quality of gladiolus florets and spikes over extended period and enhanced the vase life of gladiolus spikes.

To Cite this article: Ahmad, M. and A. Rab. 2019. Calcium effects on post-harvest attributes and vase life of gladiolus using different methods of application. Pak. J. Bot., 52(1): DOI:

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