Studies on varying nutrient status at pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive stages of five plant species from Koh-e-Sufaid range, Kurram Valley, Pakistan
Wahid Hussain, Lal Badshah, Asghar Ali, Hidayat Hussain and Farrukh Hussain
This study was designed to investigate the mineral composition at three phenological stages of some selected fodder forage. Therefore, five taxa viz., Indigofera gerardiana, Tagetes minutia, Rubus fruticosus, Medicago sativa, and Quercus baloot were tested for different minerals such as Mg, K, Na, Ca, Zn, Co, Fe, Cr, Mn and Cu. The highest concentration of macronutrients i.e. Ca (96700 µg/g), Mn (99800 µg/g) were found at post-reproductive phase in Indigofera gerardiana and K (90200 µg/g) was recorded during pre-reproductive phase in Tagetes minutia while the Rubus fruticosus exhibited (17800 µg/g) and (59900µg/g) Co and Cu respectively. Similarly, the highest level of Chromium (Cr) recorded (76600µg/g) at reproductive phase in Tagetes minuta, Nickle concentration was recorded maximum i.e. 46400 µg/g at pre-reproductive phase in Rubus fruticosus. Furthermore, Zn contents were (88800 µg/g) at pre-reproductive both in Medicago sativa and Tagetes minuta and subsequently Fe (59300 µg/g) at pre-reproductive phase in Indigofera gerardiana. This study helped in correlating the mineral status of these plant species to their palatability status. The mineral profile of the plants analyzed indicates that mineral levels were as per the required standards and their concentrations were not drastically different from other parts of Pakistan.
To Cite this article:
Hussain, W., L. Badshah, A. Ali, H. Hussain and F. Hussain. 2021. Studies on varying nutrient status at pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive stages of five plant species from Koh-e-Sufaid range, Kurram Valley, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 53(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-5(2)