Infertility curative plants as plant growth inhibitory agents
Saddar Afsheen Noman, Sadaf Tabasum Qureshi, Syeda Saleha Hassney and Anila Naz Soomro
Long Term use of infertility curative plants is common in Sindh Pakistan. Continues intake of these plants may lead to cellular destruction based on toxic compounds in addition to fertility boosters. Assessment of non-cytotoxic dose to human can initially be tested in plant based assay. Therefore, three fertility enhancing plant parts viz. Sweet Flag Rhizome (S.F.R.), Peppermint Leaves (P.L.) and Red Cabbage Flower (R.C.F.) were compared for germination inhibition and mitotic index (M.I) inhibition as main parameters of phytotoxicity. Chickpea seeds were incubated for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes in filtered aqueous extracts (1, 3 and 5%). Un-treated seeds were used as negative control and 0.2% Ethyl methane sulphonate treated seeds as positive control. Chickpea seed germination exhibited highly significant variations at p<0.01 (LSD) for all the doses of R.C.F. among tested plant parts. Highest germination inhibition was observed in S.F.R and lowest in R.C.F. Incubation time dependent decrease in germination was only observed for all the concentration of sweet flag and 5% of Peppermint. In case of M.I. highly significant variations were recorded by applying LSD analysis (p≤0.01) for all tested plant extracts except 1% S.F.R. Incubation time and concentration dependent M.I (%) was only observed in peppermint. Overall P.M. was least phytotoxic among tested plant extracts as compare to +ve control
To Cite this article:
Noman, S.A., S.T. Qureshi, S.S. Hassney and A.N. Soomro. 2022. Infertility curative plants as plant growth inhibitory agents. Pak. J. Bot., 54(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2022-6(45)