Assessment of deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin in corn and wheat grain consumed in central Punjab, Pakistan
Hafiz Muhammad Fahad Raza, Muhammad Rafique Asi and Uzma Maqbool
Deoxynivalenol (DON) belongs to trichothecene mycotoxins having acute and chronic health hazards to human beings. The purpose of the current study was to assess DON concentration in corn and wheat samples (n = 200) collected from central Punjab, Faisalabad. Occurrence of DON in samples was analyzed by HPLC using UV-Vis detector in isocratic mode. Results indicated that 63% of corn samples were effected with DON residue. Out of these contaminated samples, 66% had higher residue level (1250 µg kg-1) than the maximum limit as permissible by the European Commission Law (ECL) for DON. Among contaminated samples, 49.2% were found highly contaminated with DON with value of more than 1401 µg/kg. In the case of wheat grains, contamination of the DON was noticed in 56% samples with an average residue value of 1352 µg/kg. DON contamination level ranged from 1442-1524. The level of DON was compared among urban, rural and semi-urban areas and was detected to be highest in rural areas in both corn (1512 µg/kg) and wheat (1585 µg/kg) grains. The high concentration of trichothecene (DON) levels in corn and wheat grains may pose substantial health problems for the population of central Punjab, Pakistan and need urgent attention to address the issue of mycotoxins in staple food
To Cite this article:
Raza, H.M.F., M.R. Asi and U. Maqbool. 2020. Assessment of deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin in corn and wheat grain consumed in central Punjab, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 52(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-6(3)