Paper Details


Evaluation of the conservation status of Ulmus wallichiana and U. vilosa in Pakistan

Rafiullah Khan, Niaz Ali, Manzoor Hussain, Inayat Ur Rahman, Abdul Majid, Muhammad Romman, Tanveer Ahmed and Azhar H. Shah


In the present study, conservation status of Ulmus wallichiana and U. villosa have been evaluated according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria 2001. In Pakistan, the genus is represented by three species i.e., Ulmus wallichiana Planch.,U. villosa Brandis ex Gamble and U. chumlia Melville & Heybroek, endemic to Hindu Kush and Himalayas within a small geographical range. During the field surveys from 2017 to 2019, Ulmus wallichiana was recorded in 52 localities and U. villosa in 66 localities. All these localities collectively encompass an area of 1632 km2 for Ulmus wallichiana and 2544 km2 for Ulmus villosa as extent of occurrence. The estimated area of occupancy in the observed localities was 68 km2 and 156 km2 for Ulmus wallichiana and U. villosa, respectively. Moreover, the population size of U. wallichiana comprised of 70 individuals and 283 individuals of U. villosa. Based upon the aforementioned estimations and IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria 2001, U. wallichiana has been evaluated as Critically Endangered (CR) and U. villosa as Endangered (EN). For effective conservation of these species, immediate in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts are proposed.

To Cite this article: Khan, R., N. Ali, M. Hussain, I.U. Rahman, A. Majid, M. Romman, T. Ahmed and A.H. Shah. 2021. Evaluation of the conservation status of Ulmus wallichiana and U. vilosa in Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 53(6): DOI:

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