Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) yields as affected by allelopathic and self-toxic effects under monocropping conditions
Ijaz Ahmed Qureshi, Alia Abbas, Iram Us Salam and Fahad Bashir
Pennisetum glaucum L., a member of the Poaceae family usually grown under monocropping conditions due to which its subsequent yield in the same field sternly affected as a consequence of selftoxicity. Therefore, the present study investigates the self-toxic effect of P. glaucum on its growth rate using seeds and whole plant extracts. The outcomes of the study revealed that the growth of pearl millet was improved by 5% of its aqueous extract but affected significantly at higher concentrations. Pearson’s correlation analysis showed a positive linear association at 5%, while a negative linear correlation was perceived at 10% and 15% of both seeds and whole plant extracts (p<0.01). It was seen that the root length of the Bajra possessed the highest inhibitory effect by the action of the seeds and whole plant extracts in comparison to shoot length. On comparison of both extracts, seed extract was found to be more potent than that of the entire plant extract. From the current studies, it was revealed that Bajra is an allelopathic plant and can induce an inhibitory effect on the other growing plants as well as, it can induce autotoxic effects.
To Cite this article:
Qureshi, I.A., A. Abbas, I.U. Salam and F. Bashir. 2021. Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) yields as affected by allelopathic and self-toxic effects under monocropping conditions. Pak. J. Bot., 53(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-6(39)