Morphological, anatomical structure and molecular phylogenetics of Anthemis trotzkiana claus
K. Izbastina, M. Kurmanbayeva, A. Bazargaliyeva, N. Ablaikhanova, Z. Inelova, A. Moldakaryzova, S. Mukhtubaeva and Y.Turuspekov
In this study, morphological and anatomical properties of a rare species Anthemis trotzkiana Claus were investigated. Morphology structure of flower, seed, leaf, root and anatomical structure of root, stem, leaves and molecular phylogenetics Anthemis trotzkiana from Aktobe region of the Kazakhstan are also studied. Anthemis trotzkiana Claus (Asteraceae) is a rare and an endemic species of the Volga region and the Western Kazakhstan. The species is calcefite, occurs on sediments of cretaceous rocks and for research features substratum were studied regarding chemical structure of soil from different horizon. The anatomical results showed that the roots have tetrachium xylem rays and schizogenic channels. When comparing the anatomical structure of virginal roots in three populations, it was found that the morphometric parameters of plants in the 1-2nd populations were high, while the data of the 3rd population were lower. The epidermis of the leaf is strongly cutinized and leaves are isolateral, the palisade mesophyll is found on both sides of the leaf. This is peculiar to xerophilous plants. The abundance of essential oils clearly indicates the healing characteristics of the plant and is the basis for studying of essential oils of the leaf.
In the paper, also were determined unique molecular markers of the species and used for the creation of a phylogenetic tree.To clarify the taxonomic provision of rare A. trotzkiana phylogenetic analysis based on the change of the sequence ITS nrDNA of Anthemideae representatives was conducted. For molecular resear chDNA analysis on phylogeny of A. trotzkiana was conducted based on ITS (internal transcribed spacers) markers. Alignment of Anthemissequences was performed using nucleotide sequences available at the NCBI and MEGA 6 package. The Neighbor Joining phylogenetic tree suggested that А. trotzkiana along with А. marschalliana, А. futiculosa, and А. calcarea form a single cluster within Tanacetum clade, while other Anthemis species formed a separate Anthemis clade.
To Cite this article:
Izbastina, K., M. Kurmanbayeva, A. Bazargaliyeva, N. Ablaikhanova, Z. Inelova, A. Moldakaryzova, S. Mukhtubaeva and Y.Turuspekov. 2020. Morphological, anatomical structure and molecular phylogenetics of Anthemis trotzkiana claus. Pak. J. Bot., 52(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-3(39)