Growth of spinach as influenced by biochar and Bacillus endophyticus IGPEB 33 in drought condition
Dilfuza Jabborova, Nigora Ziyadullaeva, Yuriy Enakiev, Abdujalil Narimanov, Anand Dave, Khurshid Sulaymanov, Zafarjon Jabbarov, Sachidanand Singh and Rahul Datta
Drought is a major problem in the world, cause of various crops yield loss among abiotic factor. The impact of biochar and Bacillus endophyticus IGPEB 33 on spinach growth and root parameters and soil enzyme activities in drought conditions was studied. A net-house experiment was carried out at IGPEB, Kibray, Uzbekistan. Four treatments, such as control, biochar alone, B. endophyticus IGPEB 33 alone, and a combination of biochar and B. endophyticus IGPEB 33, were used in the experiment. After sixty days, plant growth and root traits were measured. The results showed that the combined application of biochar and B. endophyticus IGPEB 33 significantly enhanced plant height by 45%, leaf number by 61%, and leaf length by 58% compared to those of the control plants under drought conditions. Moreover, Bacillus endophyticus IGPEB 33 with biochar significantly enhanced root length, projected area, root surface area, root volume, root diameter, and soil enzyme activities (catalase, urease, invertase) compared to the controls. The results concluded that the joint application of biochar 1% and Bacillus endophyticus IGPEB 33 positively influences soil enzyme activities, root parameters, and growth in spinach under drought stress
To Cite this article:
Jabborova, D., N. Ziyadullaeva, Y. Enakiev, A. Narimanov, A. Dave, K. Sulaymanov, Z. Jabbarov, S. Singh and R. Datta. 2023. Growth of spinach as influenced by biochar and Bacillus endophyticus IGPEB 33 in drought condition. Pak. J. Bot., 55(SI): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-SI(6)