Effectiveness of fermented rain tree (Samanea saman) seed flour on nutritional quality and growth rate of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
Asni Anwar
The high crude fiber and complex protein in rain tree (Samanea saman) seed meal degrades the quality of nutrients, limiting its use as feed raw material and inhibiting fish growth. This study aims to evaluate rain tree seed flour fermented using yogurt in tilapia feed to increase the degree of feed hydrolysis, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, body glycogen levels, and tilapia-specific growth. The initial stage was fermentation on rain tree seed flour using four doses of yogurt, namely 0, 4, 6, and 8 mL/kg, and incubation duration for 72 hours anaerobically to obtain the best dose to reduce crude fiber content and increase crude protein. The study consisted of four practices and three repeats, namely rain tree seed meal test feed without the addition of yogurt (control), rain tree seed meal test feed with the addition of yogurt 4 mL/kg, rain tree seed flour test feed with the addition of yogurt 6 mL/kg, and rain tree seed flour test feed with the addition of yogurt 8 mL/kg. The fish used is 3-5 cm in size with a dense stocking of 1 ind/liter of water for 43 maintenance days. The results showed that the dose of yogurt 4 mL/kg had an authentic effect on the degree of hydrolysis of rain tree seed flour (fiber, fat, protein, ash, and Nitrogen Free Extract) compared to other treatments, with the smallest crude fiber value (9.05%). The application of rain tree seed meal test feed with the addition of yogurt in tilapia rearing resulted in feed consumption rates (26.33 g), feed conversion ratio (1.54%), glycogen levels (3.89%), and specific growth of tilapia fry (3.19%).
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