Paper Details


Effects of altitude on reproductive characteristics of an endangered plant Tetracentron sinense Oliv.

Qian Yang, Yang Li, Shibu Qubi, Yihua Gong, Hongyan Han and Xiaohong Gan

The reproductive characteristics of Tetracentron sinense Oliv. an endangered plant, were studied at different altitudes. The effects of climate warming on the future natural regeneration of T. sinense were investigated indirectly by simulating climate change with altitude gradient. The results showed that the flowering of T. sinense at low altitude started earlier than that at high-altitude. With the increase in altitude, the length of inflorescence and infructescence was decreased, while the single flower area, the length of long stamens, short stamens, and pistil were increased. Analysis of the proportion of components in the infructescence of T. sinense showed that the proportion of pericarp biomass was decreased, but the proportion of seed biomass was increased with increasing altitude. The pollen count and P/O value of T. sinense were significantly higher at mid-altitude compared to other altitudes. Furthermore, the length, width, and thickness of T. sinense seeds were indirectly proportional with the increase in altitude. T. sinense at low altitude had lower seed germination and germination potential. These changes will ultimately hinder the reproduction process of T. sinense and are not conducive to the regeneration and reproduction of the existing T. sinense population

To Cite this article: Yang, Q., Y. Li, S. Qubi, Y. Gong, H. Han and X. Gan. 2025. Effects of altitude on reproductive characteristics of an endangered plant Tetracentron sinense Oliv. Pak. J. Bot., 57(1): DOI:  

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