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Composition of essential oil of two varieties of wild mint (Mentha longifolia subsp. Typhoides var. Calliantha, mentha longifolia subsp. Typhoides var. Typhoides)

Ahmet Yenikalayci, Sedat Bozari and Murat Unal

Two wild mint taxa Mentha longifolia L. Hudson subsp. typhoides (Briq) Harley var. calliantha (Stapf) Briq. and Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson subsp. typhoides (Briq) Harley var. typhoides naturally growing in Mus province of Türkiye were cultivated in the experimental field of Mus Alparslan University in 2020 and 2022 growing seasons to determine essential oil content and compositions. According to the GC-MS analyses, 28 essential oil components were determined in the var. calliantha variety, with the pulegone (29.06%), caryophyllene oxide (14.28%), piperitone oxide (7.85%), thymol (5.98%), piperitenone (5.24%), β-linalool (5.23%), and linalyl acetate (4.28%) as main component. In the var. typhoides, 28 essential oil components were determined, and the main components were piperitenone oxide (31.57%), carvacrol (12.97%), linalool (11.63%), cis piperitone oxide (9.98%), α-pinene (5.51%) and borneol (3.44%).  

To Cite this article: Yenikalayci, A., S. Bozari and M. Unal. 2025. Composition of essential oil of two varieties of wild mint (Mentha longifolia subsp. Typhoides var. Calliantha, mentha longifolia subsp. Typhoides var. Typhoides). Pak. J. Bot., 57(1): DOI:  

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