Structure , composition and pattern in avhyranthes aspera L. dominated ruderal vegetation in the suburbs of karachi
D.khan , S.
shahid shaukat and shoaib ismail
The analysis of achyranthes aspera
dominated stands revealed that 45 species were associated with a mean number of
9.54 +- 1.02 species per stand though most of them were of minor importance. A.aspera itself had an average importance value index of 126.97 (range = 103.9-
177.4). species diversity of stands was low and the relative abundance pattern was geometric. Species diversity was predominately a function of equitability . the imporatance value of A. aspera was positively correlated with the humus content and proportion of fine sand in soil and negatively correlated with coarse sand percentage. All stands were associated with basic, non-saline and relatively calcareous soils. Significant negative associations were indicated with cenchrus biflorus , leucos urticifolia and
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