Jamal Hussian
A quantitative Phytosociological study was conducted during July 2015 to November 2015 in Naltar forests of District Gilgit Pakistan using Point Cantered Quarter method (PCQ) of Cottam and Curtis in t 26 stands. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the forest communities of trees and its associated ground flora in the study area. The forest communities were observed in the entire forest namely Picea-Pinus wallichiana A.B Jackson, Picea smithiana-betula and Pinus wallichiana- Juniperus excels M.B., whereas Pinus wallichiana A.B Jackson, Picea smithiana , Betula utilis D.Don pure stands were recorded. The study area lies between elevations from 2988 m to 3524 m above sea level. The forest communities were observed in the entire forest namely Picea-Pinus wallichiana A.B Jackson, Picea smithiana-Betula D.Don , Pinus wallichiana- Juniperus excelsa M.B., whereas Pinus wallichiana A.B, Picea smithiana (Wall.) Boiss ,Betula utilis D.Don pure stands were recorded. Among them Pinus wallichiana A.B Jackson was found as a dominant tree species in all 26 stands with the mean density 170.6 ± 30.77 stems ha-1. While Picea smithiana(Wall.) Boisswas observed as the 2nd co-dominant species with mean density 108.7 ± 12.66 stems ha-1 and mean density of Betula utilis D.Don was 53.43 ± 15.37 stems ha-1. Juniperus excelsa was found only in one stand (Lower Besha Geri) with mean density of 82.30 ± 00 stems ha-1 on the behalf of this quantitative study it is concluded that forest of Nalter valley is under the pressure due to the illegal Cutting, Grazing, Looping, and other anthropogenic disturbances. It is urgent needs to pay attention to sustainable use of these forests implementing exiting legislation, laws and acts by concern departments involving NGOs and community.
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