Colonization of Chromolaena and tobacco by Pseudomonas parafulva Ros-1
Raymond Oriebe Anyasi, Harrison Ifeanyichukwu Atagana and Rene Sutherland
This study sought to determine the effectiveness of colonization of bacterial endophytes following inoculation of the cells in plants. Different methods of inoculation including seed immersion, root immersion, and foliar spraying were studied on Chromolaena odorata and Nicotiana tobacum for 10, 20 and 30 days respectively. This was to ascertain whether Pseudopodium parafulva is an endophyte of both sets of plants. The foliar parts of the plants were assessed post inoculation (PI) for their colonization by the bacteria. Significant differences at p<0.05 of colonization were established by the different inoculation methods. Foliar spray demonstrated the highest colonization in both Chromolaena and tobacco plants, followed by root immersion. Leaf inoculation in tobacco plants demonstrated a positive colonization which was not significant. However, seed inoculation provided colonization in Chromolaena plant at 10, 20 and 30 days PI at a frequency lower than that of tobacco. With root immersion in Chromolaena, there was colonization at 10 days PI, no colonization at 20 days PI, but colonization re-appeared at 30 days PI. The growth index measured demonstrated a positive relationship between the inoculation of the endophyte and the growth parameters which included stem length and germination rate. This study, therefore, showed that the bacteria strain P. Parafulva Ros-1 was an endophyte of tobacco and Chromolaena plants, and also that foliar spraying was an effective method of inoculating endophytes in both plants.
To Cite this article:
Anyasi, R.O., H.I. Atagana and R. Sutherland. 2021. Colonization of Chromolaena and tobacco by Pseudomonas parafulva Ros-1. Pak. J. Bot., 53(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-1(35)