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Kalam Kohistan is dry temperate hilly region with a variety of forests. Consecutive explorative trips were arranged for the proper enumeration of both ecological and floristic attributes of vegetation in the Laikot Forest during summer, 2016. Quantitative ecological techniques were used by applying the quadrate method for herbs, shrubs and trees of variable sizes. It was 2 x 2 for herb, 5x5 for shrub and 10x10 m2 for trees. CCA ordination technique was used for the proper analysis of vegetation data and ecological gradients. The vegetation data was correlated with the environmental data by CANOCO software of version 5 that have showed the significant effect of environmental parameters on plant species and distribution. PCORD version 5 was used for cluster analysis. Initial survey confirmed a total of 195 plant species belongs to 63 different families. Among the prevalent families was Asteraceae having 27 different plant species followed by Poaceae (20 sp), Lamiaceae (13 sp) and Rosaceae (11 sp). The prevalent life form spectrum was Therophyte with total of 86 plant species (44 % of total vegetation) followed by Phanerophyte 41 sp. (21% of total vegetation). While in the leaf size spectrum most prevalent was Nanophyll 73 sp. (44% of total vegetation), followed Microphyll 66 plant species (34 % of total vegetation), Mesophyll 44 (23 % of total vegetation). The ecological factors like Calcium Carbonate, pH, Potassium, sand, silt, organic matter and Nitrogen had a marked effect upon plant species composition and their distribution pattern. The physical gradients like aspect slope of mountains and grazing had a significant influence over plant species and their habitats. The floristic variation of the area is diverse and divided into three zones due to elevation and altitudinal gradient. Vegetation zonation can further be utilized for forests management and species as well as habitat conservation. Here it is recommended that whole area should be properly conserved in general and the rare plant species in particular. Both insitu and exsitu conservation of such plant species may improve the conservation status of the precious plants wealth.

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