Growth and anatomy of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) cultivars Marmande and Oria under salinity stress
Sarah Abdulrahman Alsafari, Hanaa Kamal Galal and Sameera Omar Bafeel
This research investigates how irrigation with various salinity levels affects the anatomy and growth of two different tomato cultivars, namely Marmande and Oria. The two cultivars were planted in an outdoor greenhouse under natural conditions in King Abdul-Aziz University from April to May 2014. Compared to the controls the experiments with higher salinity showed significantly reduced fresh weight, dry weight, water content, shoot length, and root length. Salinity had various negative effects on the anatomy of the tomato cultivar Marmande on its xylem parenchyma and surrounding cells’ profiles, on its lignification, on its vessels diameter, and on the thickness of its wall in its roots and shoots sections. Salinity had minimal to no effect on tomato cultivar Oria. The tomato cultivar Oria thus showed a higher tolerance to salinity. The highest level of salinity produced greater deleterious effects. The results indicate that the Oria cultivar is tolerant to salinity. This study accordingly the Oria cultivar is recommended for high salinity conditions.
To Cite this article:
Alsafari, S.A., H.K. Galal and S.O. Bafeel. 2019. Growth and anatomy of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) cultivars Marmande and Oria under salinity stress. Pak. J. Bot., 51(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-4(16)