Possibilities for identification of the genotype by phenotype in white lupine (Lupinus albus L. ) cultivars
Natalia Georgieva and Valentin Kosev
The application of traditional analyses and methods in breeding-genetic researches is necessary to be combined with the study of the ecological-genetic model for organization of the quantitative trait revealing a new perspective in the plant breeding. The present study was conducted during the period 2015-2016 at the Institute of Forage Crops (Pleven) with 23 white lupine cultivars with different origin. The issue of breeding identification of the best white lupine cultivars from the available collection in their phenotype was examined. A rationale of the principle "background trait" was represented with purpose for effective breeding activity. Characteristic of the possibility of using the mean values of plant seed weight and crude protein content in seeds in the selection of parental forms for the needs of the combinative breeding was made.
The developed method of orthogonal regressions to identify phenotype by genotype has characterized BGR 6305, Tel Keram and Pflugs Ultra as cultivars having "strong" genetic systems regarding attraction and adaptability of seed productivity and crude protein content of the seeds.
The assessment of ecological stability showed that the cultivars Tel Keram, Bezimenii 2, Pflugs Ultra and Solnechnii were stable, highly productive and suitable for growing in a wide range of environmental conditions. Cultivars BGR 6305, Tel Keram, Pflugs Ultra, Horizont and Solnechnii exhibited stability of their genetic systems under changing the environmental conditions and can be used as donors in regard to attraction and adaptiveness to develop hybrid forms with high seed productivity and crude protein content in the seeds
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