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This experiment was performed to study the performance of tomato cultivars (Salar, and Sandal) grafted on various rootstocks (Mocow, Brinjal, and Chilli) at National Agriculture Research Centre Islamabad, Pakistan during the cropping season 2016. The experiment was laid out in complete randomized design (CRD) with two factors having 6 treatments replicated three times. The analysis of experimental results revealed that maximum number of days to 1st flowering, plant height, total soluble solid, fruit dry matter content and disease incidence were recorded in chilli rootstock, while more number of flower plant-1, and maximum stem diameter were recorded in Mocow rootstock. Maximum number of fruits plant 1, pH and graft take success were recorded in brinjal rootstock. Regarding cultivars, maximum number of days to 1st flowering, plant height, stem diameter, fruit dry matter content and disease incidence were recorded in sandal cultivar while, maximum number of flower plant-1, fruits plant -1, total soluble solids, pH and graft take success were recorded in Salar cultivar. Interactive effect of cultivar and rootstock revealed that maximum number of days to 1st flowering, plant height, TSS, fruit dry weight matter content, with minimum number of flowers plant-1, stem diameter and fruit juice pH were recorded when sandal cultivar was grafted onto chilli rootstock. Maximum number of flower plant 1 was recorded when salar cultivar was grafted onto mocow rootstock, while maximum stem diameter was recorded when sandal cultivar was grafted onto mocow rootstock. While maximum number of fruits plant 1 on salar cultivar and maximum pH were observed in sandal cultivar were recorded when grafted onto brinjal rootstock. Minimum number of days to first flowering, stem diameter were recorded when salar cultivar was grafted onto brinjal rootstock. Furthermore minimum number of fruits plant 1 and total soluble solids were recorded when sandal cultivar was grafted onto brinjal rootstock. From the present study it can be concluded that salar cultivar grafted on brinjal rootstock has a potential for enhancing maximum yield and graft take success.

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