Establishment of pharmacognostic standards of different morphological parts of Camellia sinensis L. grown in Pakistan
Saima Rubab, Ghazala H Rizwani, Muhammad Mohtasheem Ul Hassan, Arjumand Iqbal Durrani, Uzma Hanif, Muhammad Ajaib, Iram Liaqat, Ayesha Sadiqa, Ayesha Shafi and Farah Batool
Camellia sinensis L. is well known plant, belongs to the family Theaceae. In the present investigation, the pharmacognostic standardization of stem leaf and seed was carried out. Macroscopic, microscopic, preliminary phytochemical screening and fluorescence analysis of different morphological parts of C. sinensis L. were carried out. The aim of present study is not only to evaluate novel and attractive features of such an important plant but also to elaborate the quality of this common plant which is considered most popular drink in this region. The macroscopic and microscopic evaluation showing the analytical and diagnostic features of different morphological parts of the plants by sensory method is helpful for the authentication of the plant. Phytochemical screening assists in determining the primary and secondary metabolites like flavonoids, resins, tannins, alkaloids, glycosides, fixed oils, volatile oils, lignins, saponins, steroids, terpenes, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and amino acids. The investigation was made by the fluorescence analysis at both visible and UV light (i.e, 254 and 366λ max) which was not only useful in detecting the colored compounds visible to naked eye but also helpful in gaining the information about the chromophore group and conjugation system. It indicated that the purity and quality of the plant drug could be established by pharmacognostic evaluation method. The results shows the presence of primary metabolites in different quantity in various plant parts which are helpful for identification, therapeutic and pharmacological evaluation and even for the development of monograph as the food cum drug
To Cite this article:
Rubab, S., G.H. Rizwani, M.M. Hassan, A.I. Durrani, U. Hanif, M. Ajaib, I. Liaqat, A. Sadiqa, A. Shafi and F. Batool. 2022. Establishment of pharmacognostic standards of different morphological parts of Camellia sinensis L. grown in Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 54(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2022-4(29)