Agronomic characteristics of common kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria Ssp. Vitellina (Velen.) Kuzm. in artificial grasslands in the central northern Bulgaria
Mohammad Athar, Galina Naydenova, Tsvetoslav Mihovsky, Anna Ilieva and Viliana Vasileva
Biological and morphological features, productivity and qualitative composition of feed of common kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. vitellina (Velen.) Kuzm., sown as monoculture in the conditions of Central Northern Bulgaria were determined. It was found that common kidney vetch manifests as high-yielded and fast-growing forage legume crops in this environment. The species was highly productive in spring, but the regrowth was slow and weak, therefore it was suitable for creating grassland with combined field of use. According to the results of biochemical analysis, feed quality of dry biomass of the culture can be described as very good. The average crude protein content was relatively low (12.63%), but it was balanced in terms of established fiber content (27.28%). The feed mass of that species was rich in soluble sugars (3.90%) and contains condensed tannins in low concentration (1.17%), suggesting high levels of voluntary consumption of animals. The high content of Ca is a cause of high critical ratios of Ca: P and Ca: Mg, as well.
To Cite this article:
Athar, M., G. Naydenova, T. Mihovsky, A. Ilieva and V. Vasileva. 2019. Agronomic characteristics of common kidney vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria Ssp. Vitellina (Velen.) Kuzm. in artificial grasslands in the central northern Bulgaria. Pak. J. Bot.., DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-1(24)