DNA Isolation from tubers and Molecular Characterization in Gloriosa superba L .
Gloriosa superba L. is a indigenous medicinal plant. It is available throughout India, however it is in endanger list. In the present study RAPD analysis of 5 domesticated accession of G . superba Sikkim (SK) ,Khammam (KM) , Nizamabad (NZM) ,Vizag ( VG) and Mahabubnagar (MBR) ) from India were included. In the present study optimization of DNA isolation and amplification of DNA by PCR method for RAPD analysis of Gloriosa superba containing high concentration of colchicine. A total of 20 primers generated 102 bands. RAPD analysis yielded 60% polymorphism among the accessions. Colchicine is the main alkaloid component of this plant. Colchicine content analyzed by using HPLC method in seeds and tubers. Key words: Colchicine, Molecular markers, RAPD, HPLC.
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