Study on morphological variation of Reaumuria Soongorica seed in the gansu corridor
Xiao E Liu
The paper aimed to study the variation of seed morphology and its sources in order to reveal the effect of environment on seed morphology from different aspects through determination of the four phenotypic traits (i.e., seed length, seed width, seed length–width ratio, and 1000–grain weight) of Reaumuria soongorica seed in 10 natural populations with relatively homogeneous habitats in the Gansu Corridor. Four phenotypic traits were analyzed through the variance, coefficient of variation, Gini index, cluster analysis, and phenotypic difference allocation. The results showed that the four phenotypic traits (i.e., seed length, seed width, seed length–width ratio, and 1000–grain weight) of R. soongorica seed among different populations and within individual plants had significant differences or extremely significant differences, whereas insignificant differences within populations and among individual plants were observed. A large standard deviation occurred in the same trait among different populations with large coefficient of variation and Gini index. From the contribution of the simple trait to the phenotypic variation of populations, the contribution rate of the half–sib families within the individual plant was far greater than that of the half–sib families among individual plants. 10 populations were divided into 4 categories on the basis of the clustering result. The seed length and thousand–kernel weight tend to be longer and heavier, respectively, through nomal test.
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