Determination of pollen fertility and hybridization success among Rosa hybrida
Muhammad Faisal Khan, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz, Muhammad Azam Khan, Nadeem Akhtar Abbasi, Umer Habib and Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah
Breeding among Rosa species is a tedious process with low success rate due to presence of variability in pollen fertility and environmental conditions. Introduction of varieties and development of new hybrid lines is direly needed for rose industry in Pakistan, particularly in Pothwar area. Present study was designed to introduce existing varieties to this area and to check their adaptability and pollen fertility for initiating conventional breeding. Experiment was laid out at University Research Farm Koont by using factorial RCBD. Twenty-one varieties were scrutinized for pollen traits to get effective pollen donor parents for improvement of desired traits in locally-adapted cultivars. The number of anthers per flower, pollen viability, germination percentage and pollen diameter were observed for selection of seed setting and pollen donor parents. 30 cross-combinations were formed by use of 3 seed setting and 10 pollen-donor parents. Therefore 10 crosses were performed for each cross combination in this study. Successful hip setting was recorded after doing the recommended pollination practices. Variations in results was found regarding pollen behavior and its success rate in open field. Helen naude and Angel face contain significant number of anthers. Highest pollen viability percentage was observed in “Gruss-an-teplitz” while maximum hip set percentage and seeds were produced by Bora bora (V14) crosses when both were compared to “Gruss-an-teplitz (V21)” and “Midas touch (V6)” crosses. Hip fresh weight positively correlated with number of seeds in each cross combination. Overall Gruss-an-teplitz proved better as female parent and yielded significant hip set percentage after hybridization
To Cite this article:
Khan, M.F., I.A. Hafiz, M.A. Khan, N.A. Abbasi, U. Habib and M.K.N. Shah. 2021. Determination of pollen fertility and hybridization success among Rosa hybrida. Pak. J. Bot., 53(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-5(15)