Studies on pollen storage and vitality difference of tea plant varieties
Yu Lei, Lifeng Wang, Feiyi Huang, Jihua Duan, Yi Luo, Yankai Kang, Haona Yang and Saijun Li
Pollen vitality of four different tea plant varieties under different storage conditions were tested by vitro germination method. Results demonstrate that storage temperature and drying processing can influence pollen vitality significantly. Low-temperature dry environment is in favor of pollen vitality maintaining. Pollen samples which are processed by drying agent under room temperature, 4℃ and -20℃ can maintain vitality for 7 days, 20~30 days and 30~40 days, respectively. Pollen sample which haven’t processed by dry agent under room temperature, 4℃ and -20℃ can maintain vitality for 1~3 days, 10 days and 20~30 days, respectively. Different tea plant varieties have different pollen storage capacities. Among four testing varieties, Foxiang 3# loses pollen vitality the most quickly, while the Yabukita presents strong pollen storage capacity under all treatments.
To Cite this article:
Lei, Y., L. Wang, F. Huang, J. Duan, Y. Luo, Y. Kang, H. Yang and S. Li. 2020. Studies on pollen storage and vitality difference of tea plant varieties. Pak. J. Bot., 52(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-1(1)