Instruction to Authors


Pakistan Journal of Botany publishes Original papers and quality reviewes of Botanical interest. Pakistan Journal of Botany is a bimonthly journal. In a year, 6 issues of the journal in February, April, June, August, October and December are published. A paper would normally require at least six months from the date of receipt for its appearance in the journal.

Contributors are requested to be brief and concise. The following format should be followed while preparing the manuscript. 

Language:  Manuscript should be in English. Avoid the use of passive voice. Manuscript should be checked by Native English speaker.

Arrangement: The different sections of the paper must be arranged as follows.

Title: The title should be concised and informative. All capitals.

Authors: Email addresses, affiliations and contacts of all authors should be given. All capitals. In case of more than one authors with different Institutions, use numbering in superscripts (123 etc) to separate the author's affiliation. Do not use any other symbol such as *, † or ‡. 








1Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences, University College of Agriculture,

University of Sargodha, Pakistan

2National Institute of Organic Agriculture, Islamabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding author’s email:


Abstract: A short and comprehensive abstract (Not more than 300 words) should be provided including objective, brief methodology, important findings and conclusion.

Key words: Appropriate Key words should be given after abstract (Key words may not be taken from the title).

Introduction: Must contain the comprehensive and latest literature on the problem to be addressed and a valid hypotheses to be tested in the study. 

Materials and Methods: Must contain all details of the lab and field studies. In case of agriculture data of at least two years must be included. However, data of one year will be acceptable if the experiments are conducted at two different sites.

Result and Discussion: May be in a single section as "Results and Discussion" or if necessary, can be split into separate "Results" and "Discussion" sections. Avoid to make subsections however, if necessary, subheadings can be used in this section. Discussion should be logical and results must be discussed in the light of previous finding (preferably recent ones) justifying your findings.


Scientific plant names must be used in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature of algae, fungi and plants.  In taxonomic studies, authors names of all taxa should be provided as standardized by the International Plant Names Index


Dichotomous keys are preferred, and each couplet should be noted by a number as in this example:

1 +

Seeds angular .......................................................................................................................................................... 2


Seeds not angular ................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 +

Seeds retortiform ……………………………………………................................................................. C. spinosa


Seeds reniform, ob-elliptic pyriform or elliptic pyriform …….………................................................................. 3



Herbarium Acronyms

Registered public herbaria should be referred to by the acronyms included in Index Herbariorum. Herbaria not included in Index Herbariorum should be referred to by their full name.


Conclusions: can be given in a separate heading or a short paragraph containing important conclusions of the study. 


Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively and must have descriptive headings which should be understandable without reference to the text. Instead of giving a number of small tables, the contributors are requested to consolidate small tables into a comprehensive one as far as possible. Table must be created in proper table format by selecting rows and columns.


Figures: Figures should be clear and readable with at least 300dpi resolution. Graphs should be sent in editable form or original Excel files.


References: References must be arranged alphabaticallay and stick to the Journal format. Papers not following the recommended style will not be considered for publication.

·         In the text, in case of one author should be cited as (e.g. Stephens, 2018).

·         In case of two authors in parenthesis, both authors must be separated with "&" and not with full "and" (e.g. Brown & Endrizzi, 2016).

·         In case of publications of more than two authors, the name of first author should be followed by et al. (e.g. Zhang et al., 2017).

·         In case of two or more citations in the text, the citation must be arranged in chronological order (Stephens, 2009; Brown & Endrizzi, 2010; Ashraf et al., 2012, Wang, 2014; Sajid & Aqeel; 2018)

The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the Thomson Reuters Journal List (Journals in the 2016 Release of Journals). In case of more than one publications by the same author in the same year, the refarnces must be separated by a, b, c etc (e.g. Ashraf et al., 2004a, 2004b; Wang & Liu, 2018)


Journal article


Milborrow, B.V. 2001. The pathway of biosynthesis of abscisic acid in vascular plants: a review of the present state of knowledge of ABA biosynthesis. J. Exp. Bot., 52:1145-1164.

Chen, K. and R. Arora. 2011. Dynamics of the antioxidant system during seed osmopriming, post-priming germination, and seedling establishment in Spinach (Spinaciaoleracea). Plant. Sci., 180(2): 212-220.

Sana, F., F. Ahmad, M. Hameed and R. Ahmad. 2018. Ecology and species association of grass species in response to altitudinal gradient in the Potohar region. Pak. J. Bot., 50(1): 41- 49.

Cheng, G., Y. Jiang, Y. Chen, S. Yang, S. He, H. Liang and X. Duan. 2011. Combined effects of pectic enzymes on the degradation of pectin polysaccharides of banana fruit. Pak. J. Bot., 43(3): 1501-1505.



Corner, E.J.H. 1976. The Seeds of Dicotyledons. Vol: 1. Cambridge University Press, Britain.


Book Chapter

Alam, S.M. 1994. Nutrient by plants under stress conditions. In: Pessrakli, M. (Ed.), Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 227-246.

Ashraf, M.Y. and G. Sarwar. 2002. Salt tolerance potential in source members of Brassicaceae: Physiological studies on water relations and minerals contents. In: Ahmad, R. and K.A. Malik (Eds.) Prospects for Saline Agriculture.  Klawer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 237-245.


Edited Book

Ali, S.I. and M. Qaiser (Eds.). 2001. Flora of Pakistan. 205. University of Karachi, Karachi.

Review Process: Each submitted paper is subjected to technical and quality check by the Primary Review Committee. The papers which do not fulfill the primary quality criteria are immediately returned to the corresponding authors. Only papers of good quality are sent for a peer-review to two independent reviewers. The review process is completed normally within 3 months and review reports are returned to corresponding authors. The authors may revise and submit their revisions within a maximum of 2 months from the decision, failing this the submission is marked as rejected.


Author’s Contribution: All authors are required to submit their specific and quantitative contribution, duly signed on the prescribed proforma available on website.

·    All authors have read publication ethics and agree to follow them All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web) Color figures are clearly marked as being intended for color reproduction on the Web (no additional charges) and in print (additional Charges apply) or to be reproduced in color on the Web (no additional charges) and in black-and-white in print (no additional charges)


Quick check list before submission


·         Read authors instruction

·         References should be according to Pakistan Journal of Botany

·         Paper should be complere (all tables, figures and text should be in a single MS Word file)

·         Contribution letter

·         Cover letter

·         Reviewrs name, address and email should be given

·         Email address of all authors should be given.

·         Files name (you need to upload) should be simple without any special characters

·         Example: paper.doc, contribution.pdf etc.



Page Charges




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Non Members

Foreign Contributors

For first 10 pages

Rs. 22000

Rs 25000

Depends upon No. of pages

For each extra page

Rs. 1000


Depends upon No. of pages

For each color page

Rs. 3000

Rs. 3000




Payment of Publication Charges

For local Contributors 

The printing charges may kindly be sent in the Name of Chief Editor, Pakistan Journal of Botany, University of Karachi, Pakistan by Pay order, bank draft or Deposit directly in the account.

Account Details

A/C title: 
Chief Editor Pakistan Journal
A/C no.: 371-0028-5
Banker: United Bank Limited (UBL)
Branch code: 1146
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Swift code: UNILPKKA
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The printing charges may kindly be deposit online directly in the account or sent by Western Union, Money gram,(Detail will be provided at the time of Publication)


Published by the Botanical Society of Pakistan.

Printed at Karachi University Press, Karachi-75270, Pakistan. Phone: 9243186, 4969237. 

Copies available from:
Chief Editor,
Pakistan Journal of Botany,
Botanical Garden,
University of Karachi,
Karachi-75270, Pakistan.
Phone: 0323-3261246
Price: Each issue Rs. 2000/ US$30; Vol. Rs. 14500/US$ 200 or in exchange

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