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Morphometric characterization of different mango varieties cultivated in Tehsil Bernala District Bhimber Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

Tanveer Hussain, Muhammad Ishttiaq, Bilal Zafar, Abida Parveen, Mehwish Maqbool and Faheem Ahmed Khan

Mangifera indica L. is called king of fruits which provides lot of nutrients to human beings for better health. District Bhimber is a hub of different indigenous as well invasive varieties of Mango. In this analysis, seven local mango varieties (Langra, Moota, Peela, Kala, Sanduri, Khakharia and Gola) were explored for their morpho-genetic assessment by using numerical approaches. Results were expressed in form of dendrogram by using dedicated softwares i.e., MSVP and SPSS. The variety “Mota” was separated as one unit in cluster I while other six varieties were aggregated in cluster II. The varieties “Peela, Sanduri and Khakharia” were re-shuffled in sub-cluster “a” while three varieties “Gola, Kala and Langra” were grouped in sub-cluster “b”. Two broad groups and various sub-clusters established due to genetic dissimilarities among Mango varieties. The variety “Mota” showed genetic distance (GD) of 5.7 from all other analyzed varieties. Other two varieties “Sandori and Khakharia” depicted most closeness with GD 1.9. After fruit ripening, quantity of each variety was also measured and it was found that “Mota” variety was better with 90 Kg/ft2. Area wise analysis indicated that “Watala” area was more suitable for better growth and good yield of Mango due to better adaptability of climatic conditions and suitable soil texture. This research will be proved a good initial model data for researchers, horticulturist and agriculturist in future further study

To Cite this article: Hussain, T., M. Ishttiaq, B. Zafar, A. Parveen, M. Maqbool and F.A. Khan. 2023. Morphometric characterization of different mango varieties cultivated in Tehsil Bernala District Bhimber Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 55(5): DOI:  
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