First report of Sparassis latifolia (Basidiomycota) from Pakistan: evidence from morpho-anatomical and nrDNA data
Muhammad Hanif, Abdul Nasir Khalid and Samina Sarwar
Sparassis latifolia was found growing near Pinus wallichiana. It was characterized by having loosely arranged flabellae, pale to creamy on hymenial and ab-hymenial surfaces, turning to dark brown, undulating margins, amonomitichyphal system with frequent clamps in all parts of basidioma. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of nrDNA data also confirmed its relatedness with S. latifolia. It is a new record for Pakistan
To Cite this article:
Hanif, M., A.N. Khalid and S. Sarwar. 2024. First report of Sparassis latifolia (Basidiomycota) from Pakistan: evidence from morpho-anatomical and nrDNA data. Pak. J. Bot., 56(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-4(5)