Seasonal variation of macrophytes related to hydrochemical parameters in Ghodaghodi lake, Nepal
Bishna K. Sharma Joshi and Anjana Devkota
The occurrence of macrophyte and values of water quality parameters indicate the ecological nature and the present status of the lake. In the present research hydrochemical parameters of water and macrophytes diversity in Ghodaghodi lake, Kailali District were studied. Water samples were collected from lake, during the Premonsoon (May) and the Postmonsoon (November) seasons. Hydrochemical parameters viz. temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, the concentration of nitrates and phosphates, free CO2, hardness, conductivity, total dissolved solids of water were analyzed to characterize the water quality of the lake. In addition, macrophytes in the lake were collected and identified. CO2, hardness, temperature and depth were also found to be high during pre-monsoon and these parameters have low values during post-monsoon season. pH, conductivity, alkalinity, DO and TDS, value (±SD) was found to be high during post-monsoon with value and low during pre-monsoon. Total 37 macrophytes species belonging to 22 families were recorded. Out of which only one macroscopic species of algae, two pteridophytes, one bryophyte and 33 angiosperms were recorded. Emergent and members of Poaceae family were dominating during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon. In terms of growth forms, emergents were dominant indicated that higher nutrients content (PO4, NO3). Overall, higher number of macrophytes were recorded during pre-monsoon than post- monsoon season. Macrophytic floral composition changes with seasonal changes of hydrochemical parameters. Therefore, periodic monitoring of water quality with respect to macrophyte diversity is needed for the conservation of the lake
To Cite this article:
Joshi, B.K.S. and A. Devkota. 2024. Seasonal variation of macrophytes related to hydrochemical parameters in Ghodaghodi lake, Nepal. Pak. J. Bot., 56(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-3(40)