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Interactive effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on the alleviation of salt stress in wheat  

Faiz Us Sabah, Asghari Bano, Asma Bano and Rabia Mufti

Present investigation was conducted to evaluate the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi, Glomus mixture alone and in combination to alleviate the salinity stress in wheat variety (AaS-2011). Sterilized seeds were soaked in culture of Staphylococcus sciuri and Bacillus cereus for 2 to 4 hours prior to sowing. Fungal inocula (Glomus mixture) was also mixed in pots with soil. Plants were grown in an incubator under controlled conditions. Both the PGPR have improved plant biomass, relative water content, leaf area, enhanced proline production and resulted in an increase of antioxidant enzymes SOD, POD and catalase activities. The inoculation with a mixture of Glomus species as well as its co-inoculation with bacterial strains was found to be the most effective in terms of growth, biochemical and physiological parameters of plants under salinity stress. It is inferred that Glomus species act in synergism with Bacillus cereus > Staphylococcus sciuri in the amelioration of adverse effects of salt stress

To Cite this article: Sabah, F.U., A. Bano, A. Bano and R. Mufti. 2025. Interactive effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on the alleviation of salt stress in wheat. Pak. J. Bot., 57(2): DOI:  
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