A study of pollen morphology for some plants species in Al-Hada area in Taif province
Mona Abdulaziz Labeed Al-Malki, Amal Ahmed Mohammed Al-Ghamdi, Abdul Arhamn Saeed Al-Hajar and Hassan Pyar
Al-Hada is a small area in Taif province in Makkah region in Saudi Arabia. In this study, we investigated 14 plant species belonging to 13 genera and studied the pollen grains morpgology, the morphological characters are described for each pollen as seen under the scanning electron microscope. The resultant observation indicates that most frequent character is circular polar and equatorial view. The minimum polar axis is 9.08µm and equatorial axis 6.1µm. The maximum polar axis in this group is 37.17µm and equatorial axis 38µm. There were three types of aperture appeared tricolpate, tricolporate and pantoporate. The aim of the current research is to establish a pollen flora for the province for identification purposes
To Cite this article:
Al-Malki, M.A.L., A.A.M. Al-Ghamdi, A.A.S. Al-Hajar and H. Pyar. 2024. A study of pollen morphology for some plants species in Al-Hada area in Taif province. Pak. J. Bot., 56(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-2(32)
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