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Analysis of antimicrobial potential of silver nanoparticles synthesized by leaf extract of Moringa oleifera  

Iqra Mujahid, Muhammad Mansha, Peter C Thomson, Anis Ali Shah and Okasha Abrar

In the present study silver (Ag) nanoparticles synthesized from extract taken from Moringa oleifera leaves, were characterized and examined for antimicrobial properties. Color change, UV-visible spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques were exercised for characterization of Ag nanoparticles. Antimicrobial potential of Ag nanoparticles was analyzed using disc diffusion method against clinically important Gram-positive bacteria (Geobacillus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis), Gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella pneumonia, Psuedomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli) and a fungal species (Candida albicans). The antimicrobial activity was assayed by size of growth inhibition zone developed by Ag nanoparticles, and its dilutions 3:1, 1:1, in comparison to the inhibition activity exhibited by positive control (amoxicillin /fluconazole) and negative control (deionized water) against the tested strains of bacteria and fungus. The largest growth inhibition zone (17.00±0.577) was observed on staphylococcus aureus among Gram-positive bacteria, while in Gram-negative bacteria, the largest inhibition zone (17.66±1.2) was obtained on Pseudomonas aerginosa. The results revealed that there is insignificant difference among zone of inhibition developed by pure silver nanoparticles solution and its dilutions (17.00±0.577, 16.00±0.577 & 15.66±0.881). Moreover, inhibition zone developed by positive control and nanoparticle solution (18.66±1.20 & 17.00±0.577) were insignificantly different. But the zone of inhibition on Candida albicans developed by nanoparticles is significantly small as compared to positive control (17.66±0.33 & 12.66±0.33). Taken together, findings of this study revealed that Ag nanoparticles showed the most significant inhibition activity (p=0.00) against the examined strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but this activity is poor on C. albicans as exhibited by inhibitory zone

To Cite this article: Mujahid, I., M. Mansha, P.C. Thomson, A.A. Shah and O. Abrar. 2025. Analysis of antimicrobial potential of silver nanoparticles synthesized by leaf extract of Moringa oleifera. Pak. J. Bot., 57(2): DOI:  
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