Effect of organic fertilizer on yield and oil quality of flaxseed grown in the Kazakh semi-arid steppe zone
Meruyert Makenova, Serik M. Shaikhin, Sholpan O. Bastaubayeva, Nazira Slyamova and Ainash Nauanova
Flaxseed, scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum L., is a globally cultivated crop valued for its oil and fiber production and diverse nutritional, therapeutic, and culinary applications. In scientific periodicals, Kazakh studies of oil flax do not cover the area of research related to local organic fertilizers. The main objective of the project was to study the effect of an organic fertilizer based on bird droppings and highly effective microorganisms on the yield and technological qualities of flax seeds of the oilseed variety Kostanai Yantar in the Kazakh semi-arid steppe zone and based on the results obtained, to recommend to producers the working doses of target fertilizer that increase crop of oil flax seeds. The seed germination index evaluated at concentrations of 0.1; 1.0; 2.5; 5.0, and 10.0% was above 100%, indicating the fertilizer's maturity and stability. One-factor field experiments over two years have shown that the experimental fertilizer dose of 10 t/ha is the most optimal and leads to an increase in yield by an average of 33.7%. All experimental variants increased the protein content by 12% and did not affect the oil content in the 2022 oil crop flax seeds. A dose of 10 t/ha of organic fertilizer tested in the project can be recommended to interested agricultural enterprises to produce oil flax seeds.
To Cite this article:
Makenova, M., S.M. Shaikhin, S.O. Bastaubayeva, N. Slyamova and A. Nauanova. 2024. Effect of organic fertilizer on yield and oil quality of flaxseed grown in the Kazakh semi-arid steppe zone. Pak. J. Bot., 56(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-3(1)