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Studies on relationship between coleoptile length and growth attributes of diverse wheat genotypes to moisture

Umar Khitab Saddozai, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Abdulaziz Khakwani, Atiq Ahmed Alizai, Muhammad Amjad Nadim, Rashid Abbas, Ghazanfar Ullah, Ihteram Ullah, Said Salman, Saleem Nawaz Malik and Muhammad Ammar

Selection of adoptable germplasm along with adequate soil moisture availability is key factor for maximizing plant growth and yield, particularly in rainfed environment. Keeping the impact of huge rainfed belt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, forty genotypes of wheat which include four local landraces having varied genetic makeup were collected from different agro-ecological zones of Pakistan and tested in the laboratory for coleoptile, shoot, and root length. It was observed that coleoptile length had positive correlation with root length (R2 = 0.1874 p<0.05) and shoot length (R2 = 0.4455 p<0.05). A positive and significant correlation (R2 = 0.5285 p<0.05) was noted between root and shoot length as well. The coleoptile length was maximum in wheat NIFA-Insaf while minimum in Faislabad-2008. Thereafter five different moisture levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40% 20% of total field capacity [TFC]) on two wheat genotypes (“NIFA-Insaf” and “Faisalabad-2008” bearing long and short coleoptile, respectively observed from laboratory experiment) were tested in field to examine the effectiveness of multiple moisture levels. These moisture levels at various capacities (%) were maintained in pots by applying measured quantity of water when it reached below their respective pre-determined lower limits of specific moisture range during complete growth time. Various growth and yield parameters were significantly affected, both by wheat genotypes and moisture levels. At availability of 100% soil moisture boosted plant growth and development, which ultimately caused different traits to perform at their maximum capacities. Study showed the maximum grain yield of 5554.4, 5378.2 kg ha-1 for respectively by interactive combination of NIFA-Insaf at 100% TFC. Likewise, the use of 80% TFC also gave better results for NIFA-Insaf, which might be due to better utilization of moisture and other resources made available because of longer coleoptile. As regards genotypes, ‘Faisalabad-2008’ (having shorter coleoptile) with 100% moisture but a remarkable yield reduction was observed with a decrease in irrigation. However, under moisture reduced-environments, NIFA-Insaf performed better than Faisalabad-2008

To Cite this article: Saddozai, U.k., M.S. Baloch, A. Khakwani, A.A. Alizai, M.A. Nadim, R. Abbas, G. Ullah, I. Ullah, S. Salman, S.N. Malik and M. Ammar. 2025. Studies on relationship between coleoptile length and growth attributes of diverse wheat genotypes to moisture. Pak. J. Bot., 57(2): DOI:  
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