Predicting suitable habitat for China’s endangered plant Cycas segmentifida using maxent under climate change
Lijuan Wei, Xinyue Chen, Honglan Yang, Weina Sun, Yang Pan and Guohai Wang
The identification of both the extent and potential biogeographical distribution of a plant species is imperative for elucidating the crucial environmental factors that influence its habitat. In the present study, MaxEnt modeling was used for predicting the possible distribution range of China’s endangered species, Cycas segmentifida, based on 8 selected environmental variables and 38 validated distribution records under current climatic conditions. The jackknife statistical method was employed with percentage contribution and permutation importance to elucidate pertinent factors limiting the potential C. segmentifida distribution. The Maxent model indicated better results than the random with an average AUC 0.994. According to species response curves, C. segmentifida preferred habitats with temperature seasonality of 420 to 640℃, and the warmest quarter’s precipitation from 540 to 780 mm. Currently, the primary potential distribution areas include Guangxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan provinces in Southwest China, with the greatest effect on the C. segmentifida distribution area. The results of this research could offer scientific guidance to improve the conservation and management of this declining species
To Cite this article:
Wei, L., X. Chen, H. Yang, W. Sun, Y. Pan and G. Wang. 2024. Predicting suitable habitat for China’s endangered plant Cycas segmentifida using maxent under climate change. Pak. J. Bot., 56(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-5(34)
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