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Changes in yield and botanical composition of natural rangelands during grazing season at different altitudes  

Ersan Altinay and Osman Yüksel

The aim of this study was to determine the yield, botanical composition, and other characteristics of three natural rangelands located at different elevations (900, 1000, and 1200 m a. sl.) during the grazing season in Uşak province, Türkiye, in 2018 and 2019. From the beginning of the grazing season, cuttings were taken every 15 days to evaluate the green herbage yield, hay yield, necessary rangeland area for an animal unit (NRA), crude protein (CP), crude protein yield (CP yield), and floristic composition of rangelands. The results showed that many rangeland characteristics were significantly affected by altitude. Rangeland yield, CP, and CP yield were increased with altitude, while NRA was decreased. The highest green herbage yield (1358 kg ha-1) and hay yield (1358 kg ha-1) were determined in the Çamsu rangeland at an altitude of 1200 m. The highest ratio of legumes (49.75%), grasses (59.56%), and other plants (25.58%) in the floristic composition were determined in the rangelands at 1200, 1000, and 900 m altitudes, respectively. Likewise, cutting time also had a significant effect on different characteristics. Rangeland yield was increased from the beginning of the grazing season to July and decreased afterward due to the changing climatic conditions. The highest CP content (15.63%), and CP yield (952.7 kg ha-1) were observed in May which decreased with the advancing season. The legume ratio in the rangeland vegetation reached the maximum value (39.94%) on May 30 with a significant decrease after 15 June as the season progressed. As a result, it was determined that altitude and cutting times have a wide range of effects on rangeland vegetation, hence it would be beneficial to consider these factors into account in rangeland management

To Cite this article: Altinay, E. and O. Yüksel. 2025. Changes in yield and botanical composition of natural rangelands during grazing season at different altitudes. Pak. J. Bot., 57(2): DOI:  
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