Effect of gamma rays and fast neutrons treatments on tiller number and plant height in wheat
A Ghafoor
arain and K.A. siddiqui
Six cultivars (oak-70, barani70, mixipak,
nayab. 6134 X C-271 and H-68) of bread wheat, triticum aesthivum (2n=6x-42- AABBDD) with diversre stability of yield were selected for treatment with gamma rays 6Co. 10, 15 and 20 KR) and fast neutrons (Nf. 300, 450, and 600 RADS) the irritated seeds alongwith respective non-irradiated controls were grown
durng 1972-73. Studies on tiller number per unit area and plant height at maturity were undertaken. Analysis of results showed that these cultivars varied significantly for both the characters. Significant treatment effects were observed only for tiller number. However, cultivars X treatments effects were non- significant for tiller number as well as for plant height , indicating a stability of performance across different irradiation teartments. The treatment Nf . 450 RADS showed significantly reduced tiller number as compared wth the control where as other treatments were similar to control in performance of both these characters.
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