Fresh water algae of hanna urak valley quetta
Farrukh hussain ,
ghazala anjum , mudassar israr zaidi and M.A.F. faridi
Algal flora of hanna-urak valley, near
quetta , Baluchistan comprised of 39 genera and 89 species distributed in cyanophyceae (17 spp.), chlorophyceae (31 spp)charophyceae (1 sp) , xanthophyceae (1 sp), bacillariophyceae (36 spp) and euglenophyceae (3 spp)., 34 species
of which are new records for Pakistan
. cymbella (9 spp) , navicula (6 spp), cosmarium (6 spp ). Spiroghra (6 spp)zygnema (6 spp0 were more common.
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