Effect of vermicompost and other fertilizers on soil microbial population and growth parameters of F1 Mongal tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.)
Yunita P. Arjune, A. A. Ansari, Sirpaul Jaikishun and Oudho Homenauth
This study aims to investigate the effect of vermicompost and other fertilizers on the growth of F1 Mongal tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.). The treatments used were vermicompost (T1), promix (T2), 189 components (T3) and a combination of 189 and vermicompost (T4). The study showed that in T1 there was maximum increase in Azotobacter count (7.04%) whereas T3 was better in terms of Nitrosomonas (111.72%) in soil medium used for cultivation. Increase in plant height was maximum in T1 (1217.28%) followed by T2 whereas greater increase in number of leaves was recorded for T1 (2387.9%) followed by T3 which was statistically significant based ANOVA. Vermicompost (T1) was highly effective in influencing plant growth and fruit parameters than the other treatments based on rank analysis of all the parameters
To Cite this article:
Arjune, Y.P., A. A. Ansari, S. Jaikishun and O. Homenauth. 2019. Effect of vermicompost and other fertilizers on soil microbial population and growth parameters of F1 Mongal tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.). Pak. J. Bot., 51(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-5(1)