Identification of control agents against melon wilt disease in laboratory and field in NE China
Xiaomei Wang, Zijian Zhao, Qingmei Chen and Shao Hongbo
The pathogenic bacteria of Fusarium oxysporum were obtained through tissue separation. The inhibition of 13 fungicides on growth of Fusarium oxysporum was determined in laboratory. The results showed 30% Trimethoprim WP and 10% difenoconazole WG significantly inhibited the growth of Fusarium oxysporum at EC50 of 0.0025μg / mL and 0.8120μg / mL, respectively. Whereas, 99% hymexazol TF,50% chlorothalonil WP, 70% thiophanate-methyl WP, 50% thiram WP, fairly inhibited the growth at EC50 <10μg / Ml. The 50% iprodione WP, 50% procymidone WP, 65% Oxadixyl WP, 15% triadimefon WP, 70% mancozeb WP, 10% polyoxin WP, and 65% Tiezene WP provided less effects. The 30% trifloxystrone WP and 10% difenoconazole WG were tested in field due to their well performance in laboratory.The control efficacy was significantly higher than that of 30% Rui Miaoqing that functioned as control
To Cite this article:
Wang, X., Z. Zhao, Q. Chen and S. Hongbo. 2019. Identification of control agents against melon wilt disease in laboratory and field in NE China. Pak. J. Bot., 51(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2019-2(42)