Effects of fungicides and storage temperature on shelf life and fruit quality of stored mango (Mangifera indica L.)
Habiba, Amna Tariq, Rubina Noreen, Afshan Rahman, Hafiza Asma Shafique, Jehan Ara and Syed Ehteshamul-Haque
Postharvest fungal spoilage, particularly anthracnose is a serious problem of mango and it is considered as the main hurdle faced by Pakistan in exporting its mango fruit. In this study, the effects of three different fungicides (topsin-M, carbendazim, and aliette) on shelf life and quality of mango fruit was evaluated at two different storage temperatures i.e., room temperature (23 ± 3ºC) and at refrigerated temperature (5ºC). Storage temperatures also affected weight loss, total soluble solids, fruit firmness, total titratable acidity and decay of mango fruit. Optimum holding storage temperature observed for stored mango fruit with least chilling injury symptom and decay was 5ºC. Fungicide treated fruits stored refrigerated showed least changes in physiochemical properties with no visual infection of anthracnose on fruit. Among fungicides, carbendazim treatment was found more effective at both storage temperatures. Carbendazim treated mango fruit showed least and steady increase in total soluble solids, gradual increase in pH and steady decrease in total titratable acidity.
To Cite this article:
Habiba, A. Tariq, R. Noreen, A. Rahman, H.A. Shafique, J. Ara and S.E.U. Haque. 2021. Effects of fungicides and storage temperature on shelf life and fruit quality of stored mango (Mangifera indica L.). Pak. J. Bot., 53(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-4(39)