Variability of some Pakistani commercial wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties for agro-morphological and end-use quality traits
Haji Muhammad Umer Memon, Saqib Arif, Hadi Bux, Mahboob Ali Sial, Ali Murad Rahoo, Wazir Ali Maitlo and S.M. Mujataba
An experiment was conducted to examine sixteen commercial wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties for agro-morphological, physicochemical and dough rheological traits variability. Agro-morphological attributes including height of plants (cm), main spike length (cm), grains per spike, heading/maturity days, spikes per meter and thousand kernels weight (g) were observed at two locations (Petaro and Sakrand) of Sindh, besides, physicochemical traits such as test weight (kg/hl), wet/dry gluten content (%), gluten index, grain protein content (%) and dough rheological characteristics including time for dough development (min.), softening degree of dough (ICC), dough stability (min.), water absorption (%) and farinograph quality number were also observed. Data were statistically analysed for combined ANOVA followed by DMRT and Pearson’s correlation. Wheat genotypes expressed highly significant differences at p<0.05 for all the observed traits. Significantly highest means for thousand kernels weight (51.1g) and 10-kernels width (3.6cm) were observed in wheat variety Imdad-2005. TJ-83 yielded significantly the highest dry gluten content (12.0%), wet gluten content (24.2%) and grain protein content (14.1%). Besides, wheat varieties T.J-83, Pak-81 and Zardana possessed the excelled respective grain protein content means of 14.1%, 13.4% and 13.5%. Grain protein content established positive correlation to wet gluten (r = 0.92**), water binding in gluten (r = 0.84*) and dry gluten content (r = 0.99**), while its non-significant negative correlation existed with thousand kernels weight (r = -0.19) and test weight (r = -0.2). Dough stability had significant correlation to dough development time (r = 0.61*). Highly significant and negative correlation of degree of softening was developed to stability of dough (r = -0.80**) and farinograph quality number (r = -0.77**). Present studies provided a comprehensive knowledge of nutritional properties of wheat varieties and will be helpful while selection of potentially quality genotypes
To Cite this article:
Memon, H.M.U., S. Arif, H. Bux, M.A. Sial, A.M. Rahoo, W.A. Maitlo and S.M. Mujataba. 2020. Variability of some Pakistani commercial wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties for agro-morphological and end-use quality traits. Pak. J. Bot., 52(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-2(40)